Athletic scholarship
Athletic scholarship – partly or fully paid tuition, accomodation, food, books and fees in one of the USA universities. Athletic scholarships in the USA is a unique opportunity and should be used by every athlete, who wants to get a good education and continue progressing in sport.
Athletic scholarship may be awarded only to athletes who have graduated from their secondary schools or who already study at a local university and wish to transfer to the USA.
Athletic scholarship amount may vary. The maximum - full athletic scholarship covers all of your tuition and living costs in the USA. However, quite often partial athletic scholarships are offered, which typically cover 50-90% of the total cost.
Partial athletic scholarships are especially popular for men's sports, whereas full athletic scholarships are offered more often for women. Which scholarship you will be eligible for, depends on your sport achievements, your high school grade point average (GPA) and test scores.
In order to receive a scholarship, in some sports you must be at the level of your national team, while in others good statistics on a club level is enough. The most popular sports for which athletic scholarships are available are tennis, football, swimming, basketball, athletics, ice hockey, rowing, freestyle wrestling and some more.